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Trustee of Cemeteries and Trust Funds Minutes 08/17/2009
Board of Cemetery Trustees/Board of Trustees of Trust Funds meeting minutes

DATE:  August 17, 2009, 5 p.m.
LOCATION:   Town Office Building meeting room

PRESENT:  Gil Bliss, Margo Charig Bliss, Lee LeBlanc, members; Jan Moller, board candidate; Merrill Villmore, arborist.

The board discussed a request from Ronald Robbins to use loam to raise the grade of his newly acquired lot, 11A in Greenvale Cemetery, and then seed it with grass.
Pros and cons were weighed, with the board eventually voting 2-1 to allow the request. Mr. Robbins will be notified that a maximum of four inches of loam be placed with the time of the work and the method to be determined by Mr. Villmore. Lee LeBlanc and Margo Charig Bliss voted to approve the request, while Gil Bliss was opposed.

A discussion was held as to the ongoing water project at the Greenvale Cemetery. Gil Bliss relayed that an initial report of a failed submersible pump turned out to be only a blown fuse. The Highway Department will be consulted as to replacement of the wire leading to the pump, which is buried too shallow and not protected by conduit. While there is water project money in the budget for this year, the wire digging will take priority, while constructing an adequate housing near the pond to replace the dilapidated pump house may have to wait until next year.

Lee LeBlanc reported on her survey of grave monuments in need of repair at the Whittemore and Meeting House cemeteries. Peterborough Marble and Granite began the work last fall, but bad weather ended the project before completion. John Kaufhold of that company will be forwarded the updated list.

Merrill Villmore discussed conditions of the tree plantings in Greenvale Cemetery and was told of the need to remove brush at the edge of Meeting House Cemetery.

Lee LeBlanc, who is moving to Florida, was thanked for her service to the board, replacing Duffy Fox. She will be submitting a letter of resignation to selectmen and the Board of Trustees will send a letter recommending the appoint of Jan Moller to fill Lee’s term. Ms. Moller would have to run for the remainder of the unexpired term in the March, 2010 election.

The meeting adjourned at 6:10 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Gil Bliss